Our Blog:
On & Off the Mat

Why online yoga classes are AMAZING…plus, in-person classes resuming this month.
One year ago today, we launched our online Livestream classes. We followed with our Video On-Demand platform just a few months later. It's been 12 months of moving, breathing and being together...even while apart.

8 Ways to Find More Balance In Your Life
We're often told that it's important to find balance in our lives. But what does that really mean? Balance can be defined as "a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions". Consider what it feels like when we find our balance in a yoga pose: there's this feeling of correct proportion, harmony and steadiness that fills the posture.

A Meditation on Liminality by Richard Rohr
This week, one of Cynthia's mentors shared this wonderful distinction – that of liminality, of being betwixt and between. It is such a helpful way of looking at our current situation, and so we wanted to share it with you.